+91 987 357 9007   info@gaytourindia.com

Glimpses of Leh - Ladakh

Day 01: Delhi – Leh (3500m) (Flt IT 3341 / 0610-0740 hrs)

Arrive Leh receive upon arrival and drive to hotel. Afternoon at leisure in Leh, where we can take a walk to the colorful bazaar.
Overnight Hotel - Leh


Day 02: Leh Monasteries

After breakfast we leave on a full day tour of the monasteries around Leh and vist Shankar, Spituk and Phyang monasteries. Later in the afternoon we walk around Leh town and visit Leh Market, Leh Palace ruins, Leh Gompa & Shanti Stupa.

Overnight Hotel – Leh

Day 03: Leh

Excursion to Shey, Thiksey, Hemis Today we proceed for Indus Valley monastery tour. We start with a visit to Shey the ancient capital of Ladakh. The monastery here has a huge gold-gilded statue of Buddha Sakyamuni with a large silver lamp burning in front of the statue.


Then we visit Thiksey Gompa an impressive complex rising tier upon tier on a hill above the village. The monastery has a beautiful 30 m high gold-plated statue of Maitreya Buddha, the Buddha of the future. Drive further to visit the famous Hemis Gompa founded in 1630's by Stag-tsang-ras-pa under the royal patronage of Sengge Namgyall.


Hemis is one of the largest and richest gompas of Ladakh.The two-day festival of monastic dance in June-July has raised the reputation of Hemis particularly high. The festival is dedicated to Guru Padmasambhava, popularly known as second Buddha and responsible for spreading Buddhism in the Tibetan world. Later in the evening we drive back to hotel. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.

Overnight Hotel - Leh

Day 04: Leh – Lamayuru (124 km / 4 hrs) - Alchi (50 km/2 hr)

After breakfast some time at leisure and then we drive to Alchi Visit Lamayuru Monastery and back to Alchi. Lamayuru Monastery is one of the most popular and magnificent monasteries of Ladakh. It is known to be the oldest monestic establishment in Ladakh and was founded by Rinchen Zangpo in the 10th century. This Monastery is located amidst the massive mountains. The spectacular setting of this Monastery and its renowned collection of carpets, thangkas and frescoes has been attracting many people all over the world over a long time. We will also be part of the prayer ceremony inside the prayer hall among the monks. It is a very soothing and spiritual experience to be there among these warm and friendly monks. Further drive towards Alchi (50 km from Lamayuru). Just before Alchi we drive across the mighty River Indus over the bridge and reach Ladakh's most loved Alchi Monastery. Over a century old, its wall paintings are very similar to those of the Tabo gompa in Spiti, Himachal Pradesh. Unlike other monasteries, which are usually on a cliff top or cling to a mountainside, Alchi is at ground level and is nestled in the shade of a garden.

Overnight Hotel – Alchi


Day 05: Alchi – Likir – Basgo – Leh (124 km / 4 hr )

After breakfast we drive to Likir (16 km) and visit Likir Monastery, situated atop a windy cliff overlooking the beautiful village of Likir. It was founded in the 12th Century although the present construction dates back to the 18th century as the original one was destroyed by fire. In its courtyard is a yellow colored 3 storey high mammoth statue of the Buddha, which was constructed by a resident monk. The top floor has an impressive museum containing old thangkas and weapons used many centuries back.

From Likir we drive 9 km to Basgo. It was an important centre in the old days, having been the capital of lower Ladakh when the kingdom was divided in the 15th & 16th centuries. We visit the ruins of the Royal Palace at Basgo, Ser Zung Temple, which is known for its great frescoes and finally the temple with an enormous gold and copper statue of the Maitreya Buddha. Later we drive to Leh (3521 m), capital of Ladakh and check-in the Hotel. Evening at leisure.

Overnight Hotel - Leh.


Day 06: Leh–Chumathang – Tso Moriri Lake(Korzok Monastery)(4572 m)(227 km / 9-10 hrs)

After early breakfast, we drive towards Tso Moriri Lake. From Leh we reach Upshi on Leh-Manali road and then turn to another valley and drive along the mighty Indus River. It is one of the most interesting areas and goes through narrow valleys, sandy deserts, rocky paths, and our vehicle crosses number of mountain streams. On the way we visit Chumathang, famous for its hot springs that has medicinal properties and Sumdah village from where Korzok village is another 55 km. Little before Tso Moriri Lake we drive past a small green valley famous for wild Marmots locally known as Phya. We arrive at Korzok village (4572 m) in the evening and check-in the Camps little away from the village. Korzok (4572 m), the only village near Tso Moriri Lake, is the only permanent settlement in Rupshu region with an approximate population of 500 people. The few barley fields at Karzok must be among the highest cultivation in the world. In the evening we visit Korzok Monastery. Dinner

Overnight Camp - Tso Moriri

Day 07: Tso Moriri Lake - Tso Khar Lake - Tanglang La Pass – Leh

After breakfast we drive to Mahe village where the road turns left towards Puga Valley, a grassy plain with a small sacred stream, Sulphur springs and Geysers (shooting fountain). Continue drive to Tsokar via Polokongka Pass (4116 m) and visit Tso Khar (4485 m). It is also called White Lake because of salt deposits around it. The Lake is so salty that the salt extracted from its margins are still sold all over Ladakh. The place is also famous for Kiangs (Tibetan Wild Ass), which are generally seen here grazing and moving in groups. From here after short drive we reach Leh-Manali road and continue drive towards Leh via Tanglangla Pass (5329 m), the third highest motorable point in the world. En route we drive past beautiful villages of Rumtse, Gya, Miru and Lato. We arrive Leh in the evening and check-in the Hotel.

Overnight Hotel - Leh


Day 08: Leh to Hunder (Nubra Valley) (126 Kms / aprx. 06 hrs)

After an early breakfast we drive to NUBRA VALLEY leads through KHARDUNG-LA-PASS (the highest motorable road in the world) at 18,390 ft, around 39kms from Leh.


Nubra Valley is popularly known as Ldorma or the valley of flowers. It is situated to the North of Ladakh between the Karakoram and Ladakh ranges of the Himalayas.


Arrive Hunder by afternoon and rest of the day at leisure to explore Hunder & Diskit Village.

Overnight at Camp/Cottage

Day 09: Hunder (Nubra Valley) – Leh

After your breakfast at the camp, visit the SAND DUNES to enjoy a camel safari (Optional). Later we drive to Leh by same route over Khardung La.Afternoon rest and relax or take a walk to the local market.

Overnight at hotel.


Day 10: Leh - Delhi (Flt: 9W-610 / 0735 hrs – 850 hrs)

Transfer to the airport for the spectacular flight across the main chain of the Himalaya to Delhi.

Our tour concludes: We thank you for your patronage & look forward to serve you again in near future.

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